Renewable Energy

Light Prescriptions Innovators (LPI) is a world leader in the field of non-imaging optics. A One-Stop design, prototype fabrication and manufacturing firm which is making a positive difference in saving energy.

They specialize in state-of-the-art optical solutions in both Solid State Lighting and Concentrated Photovoltiacs. LPI’s extensive portfolio of patented optical inventions include many new optical design methods such as the 2D and 3D Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) design methods, and their related family of optics.


File 20-10-15 0 08 11«I met Jose Antonio on the Summer of 2015. He coached us (Light Prescriptions Innovators) as beneficiaries of  SME Instrument (H2020) in a Phase 1 project. Despite his background was somehow technical, he had never worked in a topic like ours (solar energy). He nevertheless understood the insights of this field very quickly, and helped us to gaze at the project from a very objective business-driven standpoint: he was able to provide smart advice on aspects such as Sales strategy, Marketing the Innovation and Business Model. The experience was tremendously fruitful for us.»

Ruben Mohedano

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